LOOOOL Arima.. indeed.. politics has always been that way, we just don't know much about it.
Freedom of information through the net is a beautiful thing.
on a more serious note.. we all know how "foreign" forces pitted Iraq v Iran back in the 1980s.. and there are many other examples of this.. but it becomes sore when the same guys decide to invade the dictator they helped a few years back..
hehehe...so isthe new way politics is headed?
LOOOOL Arima.. indeed.. politics has always been that way, we just don't know much about it.
Freedom of information through the net is a beautiful thing.
on a more serious note.. we all know how "foreign" forces pitted Iraq v Iran back in the 1980s.. and there are many other examples of this.. but it becomes sore when the same guys decide to invade the dictator they helped a few years back..
peace? what's that?
that is a good reason to join twitter;)
while i dont particularly find this historic tweet amusing
and considering you are thinking of taking tweeter seriously (i dotn believe that for a second though :P) you must read this:
lol thanks Dots.. well.. please unblock ur own account , and then i'll think about it :P
Soreal.. always worries me how "connected" you are on this web thingies.. oh well... you realise i got this jpg indirectly from you?
muchas gracias :)
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