I found this hilarious picture that I thought I'd share with you following the Farah Malhass post that so many of you absolutely devoured!
I believe the picture speaks for itself! I believe it's from 2008.
image link
Here is my original post on bodybuilding:
I actually went to school with one of the guys in the picture.. he's a very cool guy and I wish him the best :)
-Bodybuilders are sexy when they look like this and don't exceed it:
-Those who looks like the one in this pic is disgusting, way too much.. too much of useless muscles lol.
As for Farrah, she looks good, well she is obviously not a Steroids user. She doesn't look like a real bodybuilder, she's not mascular, she's even got an amazing sexy body.
Al-Ain Rose, she's a figure body builder. The goal is not to be huge.
-_- Even that's too much for my liking. 6 packs aren't my thing.
BuJ - congratulations to these men. It is by no means an easy task.
That said, I never got the intense heavy muscle build up craze. I mean it's a LOT of controlled diet, pills, and exercise -- it's not quite healthy, depending on what / where you read.
In my gym there are folks similar to in this picture. After a point IMHO it becomes a bit much..don't get me wrong, working out is good. I work out. I don't build muscle, but I'm toned / athletic. It's important to be healthy, stay healthy.
Good morning BuJ;
Sounds you are interested in Bodybuilding stuff.
To me those guys exaggerated in having those huge muscles, it’s like plastic! But in comparison that guy with big tummy looks funny lol.
Thanks for sharing BuJ
First of all, spamming is not allowed Mr Abutt.. please keep such filthy websites away from here. I'm sorry that referring to Iranians is so sensitive for you. I will try to stop doing it. Also since I refused to write for your blog and continue to refuse to read your filth, please do not take it as an invitation to write with your usual rubbish here. Please. I wonder if you picked up all these bad habits at "home".
Kindly stay away.
Rose.. thanks for the links.. i agree with you completely! but it's always fascinates me how much work and dedication goes into bodybuilding. Especially in a country here where we have a lot of fat people.
Farah does look good :)
Mr Rosh you're a wise man! Can't top what you said!
Rationality Thanks for visiting and sorry for the unpleasant words from AButt. I've taken care of them now. By the way I've always been interested in bodybuilding and have a great respect for the men and women that follow it.
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