Click on the link to see for yourself.

While I'm no fan of tattoos I'm all for Farah to persue her love for bodybuilding. What do you think? Is this amazing or gross?
Go Farah Go!
Mabrooks to this lady.
There's only one Farrah Mr BuJ.
Farrah FAWCETT :) Man, whatever happened to women who didn't even have to try.
Call me an old fashioned fart, but I believe a woman's appeal lies in her demeanour, the way she carries herself. So, I like my woman, without the muscles, tattoo and plunging necklines, please. Thank you :)
yikes! scary tattoos ..
although, she is not the first arab to do that. the first i heard of was dina al-sabah:
although, considering the associated stigma... there is a chance that she is not the first either :P
She has a pretty face and an athletic / toned built.. not overtly muscular / manly. The tattoos - deal breaker :p
Soreal! It takes a very specific kinda post to get ur valuable comment!
Indeed dina al sabah was first but I didn't wanna burst farahs young bubble
Also remember farah is a whole decade younger!
Anyway mr rosh. Interesting opinions from u :)
I'm stuck on the fence personally but I support her ambitions and wish her all success!
Often, it's trouble, extending an "opinion" on any woman. Never know what might come back and bite you in the rear.
Lol mr rosh!
Actually I don't mind being bitten if its from someone I love
But it has to be seen rather than from behind!
Otherwise if ur not comfy with that then u got the best case for pre emptive action against estrogenia hahaha
Hello there BuJ..
Actually I’m not a fan of bodybuilders for neither girls nor guys. They both look ugly, ruthless and disgusting. This girl look cute, I don’t know how she ruined her body with having those ugly manly muscles, she took really a bold step. Recently girls are trying to make themselves more pretty by using cosmetic stuff and so on and this girl making herself uglier so strange!
But having huge muscles give her helpful impression that nobody dares teasing her anymore lol
PS…I don’t know how you liked it but wish you marry such girl to defend you and beat you up whenever you tease her :P
Jee..nope! No bites of any sort for me, thank you :)
BTW, this post is likely to invite comments / thoughts of all sorts --fun, casual, crude, harsh, conservative, corny, looney etc all, so buckle up :) you probably know that already though.
Lol rationality ur quite something!!! Ouch
I guess I'd support my future wife if she wanted to do this minus the tatoos
And pull the plug as soon as she can beat me up successfully
Isn't that a good compromise? :)
Mr rosh thanks for ur comment and yes I'm waiting for the comments to fire up hehe
The prob is I only have my bb as I'm in ad for work!
Let's hope it becomes more fun!
well done her....she's x10000 prettier than those useless girls who can only tote LV bags
[btw why did ultrachubby's comment get deleted?]
free speech BuJ :(
Dgray not sure who u are but I hope ur not one of the regulars here with a different name
Other blogs might tolerate it but this blog doesn't allow people to call others names like a whore when in fact she's a sportswoman and an athelete
She's also someones daughter. Sorry that's not acceptable
Also women buying lv handbags are good for the economy
Hence they are useful, until inflation kicks in
Free speech is important
Manners are important too
Buj, ISLAMICALLY she is the same as an adultress. So its not a mater of manners, its a matter of TRUTH.
She is someones daughter, and that someone didnt raise her well and both should be killed.
I didnt say anything that wasnt TRUE.
You , like all Arabs, sees truth as they wish.
Also women buying lv handbags are good for the economy
Not when 1/2 of what they buy is fake, That is bad for the economy.
Sorry abut but when u talk absolute rubbish u need to be stopped
Which religion says whores are to be raped?
Please keep filthy ideals out of my way
"ISLAMICALLY she is the same as an adultress."
ABIT, please, could you explain? I'm just really curious on the 'checklist' used to grade someone a whoey.
Personally, one of the most significant things I've learned in life, is to NEVER judge / assess a book / person its cover or the external. You'd be in for the surprise of your life. That said, occasionally, I still do, however realize, see things differently, learn and move on.
ive been a silent reader for a while but THANK YOU anyway for your assumptions. dont get me wrong - i like it - but this blog is hardly the New York Times.
i want to know where a certain mister here gets his religion from because iirc theres no valid hadith or ruling saying that shes allowed to be murdered. her or her father in fact. isnt islam THAT religion where the son doesn't inherit his fathers sins and vice versa? now really with such a stern outlook to life i wonder why ultra{pious} isnt in some cave.
reflecting, repenting, even praying. idk just altogether being a good muslim instead of looking at pics of jordanian girls on the net.
now why is that?
(and might i add that lv bags are tacky. and useless. case in point; paris hilton.)
"this blog is hardly the New York Times"
I'm not getting u wrong as u requested but there is no need to be insensitive
This is a personal blog and never have I sought
to make it like the new york times.
In fact I don't recall reading the
esteemed publication before for I am
Happy with the publications I can get my hands on
In the uk
Since ur a silent reader u will notice that I try to allow free speech as much as possible
However I do not tolerate disrespectful comments and I will deal with those as mentioned above the comments box
I welcome people to disagree with me respectfully here
I feel free to do the same to others
For disagreement of minds and ideas does not constitute a lessening of character as some people wrongfully assume
Never have a claimed to be a religious expert
I like to respect everyone and want this to be mutual
Expressing violent opinions is just not valid
Not if we consider ourselves to being civilised humans
That are more refined (or dare I say "evolved" ) than the animal kingdom where the weak are killed by the strong
Have a peaceful day and pls continue to read and furnish us with your welcome feedback
when i said "don't get me wrong" i meant it! but OKAY, maybe it didn't get through so apologies.
mind you you weren't so nicey nicey to me to begin with!
and i am also not aiming my vitriol at you but rather at the ill-informed views being thrown around.
but as we say in paris...PAS de 'blème.
Please excuse me in this case
The disadvantage of using the written medium coupled with my lack of etiquette at this incident leaves with with an embarrassed position!
I share your desire to try to perhaps educate or neutralise those elements that claim religious guidance...
In the Hadith, multiple passages sanction the death penalty for apostasy thereby implicitly condemning the act. Examples of such passages in the [[Sahih al-Bukhari]] include 9:83:17, 4:52:260, 9:84:57, 9:84:58 and 9:89:271.
It all boils down to DO YOU CONSIDER HER A MUSLIM. She IS NOT a Muslim, not in this fashion. HEr tattoos, he was of dressing, she has left islam (IF she was ever) long ago.
HOWEVER (See, I am willing to think in a different way) being Jordanian, she MIGHT be Christian, which to me automatically makes her a whore. (To me, non muslim woman = prostitute, NO INS IFS OR BUTS ABOUT IT. You arent muslim, you are a prostitute)
Please note that I said she SHOULD be raped, not MUST. That is my personal opinion. I believe rape in MANY instances should be a state carried out thing some things. Have a section in the police just for rapes! Because some women just have it coming. This is one of them!
reflecting, repenting, even praying. idk just altogether being a good muslim instead of looking at pics of jordanian girls on the net.
Last I checked this wasnt a dating blog, it was one run by a guy who always has interesting things to say. This time was no exception.
now really with such a stern outlook to life i wonder why ultra{pious} isnt in some cave
No, caves are for the likes of you prostitutes who have made the world what it is today.
Expressing violent opinions is just not valid
Not if we consider ourselves to being civilised humans
By this comment you just turned the US and most of Europe into uncivil hacks. I agree!!!!
but as we say in paris...PAS de 'blème.
Ah, so you fit my above mentioned label of a non-muslim woman! So to me, anything you say is the same as a DOG barking. You are not on the same level as a HUMAN, but rather what I have called from day one a SUB HUMAN.
Good night! (I know Bujassim, you wish you could smack me right now, dont worry, I'll make it up to you one day!)
I should be respectful in my comments ... like ultra[blue] saying people should be raped and killed, eh? Very well ... ultra[blue] should be hit in the head with a five pound sledgehammer
^ no, he'd eat it.
It all boils down to DO YOU CONSIDER HER A MUSLIM. She IS NOT a Muslim, not in this fashion. HEr tattoos, he was of dressing, she has left islam (IF she was ever) long ago.
Then many muslims should be killed because someone could easily say, oh he/she doesn’t look too muslim to me so i’ll just pop them off. Not that Muslims don’t kill each other in the thousands already OF COURSE.
Please note that I said she SHOULD be raped, not MUST. That is my personal opinion. I believe rape in MANY instances should be a state carried out thing some things. Have a section in the police just for rapes! Because some women just have it coming. This is one of them!
i don’t know if it’s just me or do you sound like a bitter rape-victim yourself? All this rape, rape, rape makes me think you’ve entertained a foreign object of some sort in your past. And your knowledge of that ‘section’ is eerie. besides you said ISLAMICALLY not PERSONALLY so don’t back-pedal, señor wiki-Imam.
Last I checked this wasnt a dating blog, it was one run by a guy who always has interesting things to say. This time was no exception.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight and I’m Mary Magdalene in my free time. Who said it was a dating blog anyway? I know you love them but really now’s not a good time to swap hobbies. besides im guessing you purposely sought her out because you would have seen a new post alert of ‘female arab bodybuilder’ and if you were such a good Muslim, you would run as far as your hairy legs could carry you.
And if you were just a decent Muslim, you would simply refuse to click the link.
but NAH, you chose to ogle.
No, caves are for the likes of you prostitutes who have made the world what it is today.
The Prophet Mohammed received his religion and yours in a cave. HAHA!
Ah, so you fit my above mentioned label of a non-muslim woman! So to me, anything you say is the same as a DOG barking. You are not on the same level as a HUMAN, but rather what I have called from day one a SUB HUMAN.
Lol i’m Jewish. and the last time i checked Muslims were allowed to marry People of the Book so forgive me if i think that you’re saying Allah allows Muslims to get married to sub-humans and study a sub-human book like the Torah. OMG and if i’m sub-human then i must come from somewhere sub-human too! nanemly my ancestors and who are they?
Oh yah Isaac & Abraham.
Or should I say Ishaq and Ibrahim?
WOW! I didn’t know Islam had human and sub-human prophets. that’s so much cuter than those United Colours of Benetton ads i swear . What an all-inclusive religion too for accepting people of my canine ilk! AND i must be a pretty important dog too if you bothered to not only reply but use capital letters .
I feel so loved ultra[blue], make it stop!!!!
Tom D said...
I should be respectful in my comments ... like ultra[blue] saying people should be raped and killed, eh? Very well ... ultra[blue] should be hit in the head with a five pound sledgehammer
BEcause I dont agree with you? You westerners LOVE free speech AS LONG AS it is EXACTLY what you believe.
As I said, you are a prostitute and thus not on my level. Go find a human who is not and let them debate with me. Your words are akin to those of a dog, rat, or elephant if you wish. ANYTHING you say is not WORTHY of me. Do you understand? YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN. and I only converse with humans.
Oh crap! You are Jewish? Then please come over and allow me to kill you.
"People of the book" are no more. The Jewish, Christians, and Sabians today are NOT what they were in the prophet's day, and thus cannot even be considered that anymore.
You being Jewish makes you even lower than when I thought you were Christian. Baby killer. And yes, I will pay 10K for anyone to rape this Jewish bitch. Seriously. Tape it and the money is yours.
don't make me laugh. that's exactly why you're talking to me right now huh?
go on then.
go stand up for your worthy principles and SHUT YOUR MOUTH.
I know it's hard for you to turn down anything headed for your mouth but just this once, be consistent.
and it doesnt bother me if you call me a jewish bitch. or a baby killer.
im quite proud of it!
ps: arabs bury female babies too so join the club. :)
oh dear.. i leave the city for the weekend and i come back to this!!!!
oh please.. guys.. behave!
seems i have to deal with things, but i wanna hear from everyone, especially the new faces DGray and TomD.
guys, i wanted this post to be a kinda support to Farah if she ever goes online and googles what others are saying about her.
Instead you've f---ed it up for her.. and what has she done to any of you? NOTHING. yet you're attacking her etc.
plus pls let's not get into religion here coz this has nothing to do with female bodybuilding
finally, the talk that anyone should be raped is pure rubbish.
Yeah, show them what is the pig sucks =)
and it doesnt bother me if you call me a jewish bitch. or a baby killer.
im quite proud of it!
Says everything right there. A prostitute western Jew who're grandmother sadly got away from Hitler's SS goons. Sadly.
finally, the talk that anyone should be raped is pure rubbish.
Very sorry, I have to disagree, Rape, murder, war and even genocide are very very acceptable in some instances. Hitler's actions for example I totally understand. And nations undertake these actions even today. And always will. You can argue that it's wrong, and I can argue that its ok, but fact is fact, they will always happen.
I have one question for you Bujassim, If your wife came to you and said I am going to do what this Farah is doing. EXACTLY the same, I want tattoos, I want to body build in a mixed gym, I want to be a "sports woman" where I wear nothing in front of a crown and TV cameras, Would you allow her?
abit... you've crossed the line many times and not relented, you keep on attacking everyone and everything.
now you're asking very personal about me and that's way outta line. Go and read my original post and think again about what you asked.
having read your question, I would assume that your fiance or future wife would be a fully-covered womam and she'd only be 1/4 of your arsenal, since you'll follow the letter of the Quran and marry 4 wives to "spread the seed"
really.. this blog demands a higher standard of readership that what you're offering us with your comments. sorry.
Soooooo it turns that you DON'T have principles and were bluffing all along. i can't say i didn't suspect it. you don't really hate us as evident in your Jew-loving post on that wreck you call a website my dear "cousin".
AND if People of the Book aren't relevant anymore, you're saying Islam is susceptible to change and directly contradicting Allah's words. the Koran is just like the Bible then which is weird because i remember Allah saying He perfected your religion. i guess He probably forgot to mention that ultra[blue] was a revelatory prophet on the innerwebs too.
BUT when it turns out that you were wrong, as always, you should be charged with spreading kufr and punished with rape. or does that bring up too many memories ultra[violated]?
in the meantime, Hitler! that was so unbelievably pathetic. i can just imagine your desperate self thinking "oh noes shes not offended OMGZZZZZ i know!!!11 ill say sumthin about her granny!!! & hitler!! dOuBlE sCoRe!!1!"
none of my family were in the Holocaust or even affected by it. whereas I on the other hand, could give a fairly accurate account of where YOUR family were in the 1930's.
{ BuJ, i know it's disrespectful to have hijacked your blog like this when the sole purpose was to encourage Farah - which i did initially - but ultra[blue] was trying so hard to make himself look controversial that it was too easy to pass up.
this is exactly why i'm a silent reader.}
umm. i saw this post in my feed a few days ago but didnt have much to say.
i've just read through the comments and am like wtf...
here's a non abusive comment in support of an independent woman. go sistah!
a) i think farah looks great. (for now).
b) the tattoos are a bit much for me personally. i would TOTALLY get a tattoo if it wasnt haram - but something much smaller and classier ;)
c) hats off to the woman for displaying the determination and discipline required.
im not a fan of bodybuilders in general - it seems they are compensating and are WAY self-obsessed.
for the people who do it, and can proudly display the results... good job. it takes a very strong mind to see through your goals. respect!
here's a gallery of what female bodybuilders actually end up looking like.
not my cuppa tea. but to each his own ;)
Actually you're very welcome here, and I wish we had more Jewish commentators. I try to respect all religions and would rather deal with ideas than religions. Ideas can be disputed or debated without offence, but when you start talking about religion, then it's exactly like the words of the last American President "if you're not with us, you're against us"
and that's just too simplistic for my taste.
so again, you're welcome DGray but let's try to stick to the topic :)
it's great to see u here, and i support you 100%
i clicked on the website u posted.. and my lord.. i wouldn't wanna get on the bad side of one of those ladies.. this is some serious muscle.. gulp!
Farah looks amazing! I admire her committment and dedication and she is a great role model to girls. I agree, scary tattoos but each to their own if it doen't hurt anyone.
ABIT, Ultrablue (or whatever alter ego he has decided to wear today) is obviously terrified of strong women. Mind you, with his attitudes he probably has good reason lol!
thanks for the warm welcome BuJ and although i agree religious debates can be easily escalate, i wouldn't rule out them out as simplistic.
but if we can't have religion debates, can we have IRAN?
i love me some iran debates... <3
actually i just like iran full stop. :|
Susan.. I copy you 100%
and i cannot but laugh at your comment .. oh well.. each to his own!
DGray... I'm honoured to have you and i've created a post JUST for IRAN.. i'll leave you to start it off with the first comment! Please be my guest.
What do you think about my avatar for example? hehe
ABIT, Ultrablue (or whatever alter ego he has decided to wear today) is obviously terrified of strong women.
You can bench press 1000 kilos, still, once a month you cry like a baby and bleed like a dead carcass.
Bujassem, I meant no disrespect to YOU with my question. It was a simple one, not personal in any way, and hypothetical at that.
I read through your post and comments, you stated that this is to SUPPORT this Farah, no? But also stated that you dislike Tats. Fine, Let me re-phrase... The SAME question as I asked MINUS the tattoos. Would you allow/support your wife?
Basically I want to know if your "support" is real or just more double standards from an Arab. So please, let me, and your readers know how sincere you are.
you keep on attacking everyone and everything
You're being a bit dramatic. I only attacked those who deserved it. You werent attacked.. .Hemlock wasnt attacked... Susan, though deserving, hasnt been... yet.
really.. this blog demands a higher standard of readership that what you're offering us with your comments. sorry.
I'm a firm believer that you get what you deserve, in general. So I guess we can apply the same to blogs. You ARE getting what your blog deserves.
I would assume that
Assumptions are a major way to an error. Dont assume, ever.
your fiance or future wife would be a fully-covered womam
Her 3awra would be covered as prescribed by my religion. It depends how you define "Fully-covered"
she'd only be 1/4 of your arsenal, since you'll follow the letter of the Quran
This comment just shows a level of ignorance that NO MUSLIM would fall into. Please show me in ANY verse where it is stated that marrying 4 wives is Fardh.
I await your answers for the "support" question and the verses demanding it as fardh to marry 4 wives.
Interesting debate...
I'm glad I was somehow thrown in the middle of it all.
This lady is into FIGURE body building so I've read. That means she's not looking to be huge. More like a super buff bikini model.
She is muscular for a woman or rather a Middle-eastern woman but she isn't really big when you compare her to other women in her field.
Personally I don't find the look appealing on both women and men.Being toned can be attractive but there's a point where it starts looking over the top.
And-I still don't see how I should automatically support her because she's an Arab and I'm an Arab. I don't care. It's not like she's standing up for any causes I believe in.
I clicked this because there were 38 comments and I knew ultrablue must have had something do with it.
I know Ultrablue can sometimes be a pain in the butt with how he presents his points but think about it. Do you really support something sincerely when you wouldn't dare want your wife or sister etc participating in the same? It's just the typical cliche of lets stand by our Arab brothers and sisters who make it in the news.
ya habibi, ya roo7i, ya amal 7ayati Mr ABit!
Why do you have to be a "pain in the butt"* ? I'm trying to discuss a topic and yet people go over the top.
* : Quote by Firefox on 12/5/2010
The post is about support for a woman going after her dream, rather than what I'd accept or not accept for any of my wives.
Additionally, I'm uncomfortable with you acting all Taliban on us all with your extremist views on Islam. When did I ever invite anyone's opinion on religion. I think religion is stupid and a pain in the ass because people who are not qualified in it keep giving opinions about it.
Hence, kindly, respectfully, keep away from opening religious subjects here unless you can prove to us that you're a qualified sheikh from one of the following universities (Mecca, Riyadh, Al Azhar, Al Zaituna, Al Quarawiyeen).
This applies not only to ABIT but everyone.
Finally, to put you and this matter to rest.. I would be PROUD to have a wife that wants to excel in this type of bodybuilding or any other kind of sport.
Of course with limits like no tatoos and no steriods.
Finally, when your house is very glassy, do not throw others with stones. I'm referring to your smart-ass comments about me being a hypocrite.
"Basically I want to know if your "support" is real or just more double standards from an Arab. So please, let me, and your readers know how sincere you are." ABIT
I think my readers are smart enough to judge me for who I am without any help from a confused and tormented individual such as your kind self.
If any of my other kind readers think differently then please let me know. Again, I'm talking about sport here not religion.
Firefox, it's nice to see you here, but please don't feel you were "thrown in the middle of it all"
At least I didn't do anything throwing.
Firefox, your moderate views and words are always welcome here :)
With the greatest respect Mr Firefox, what you want for your wife or sister is none of your business. We women have the intelligence and ability to make decisions and judgements for ourselves and what we do with our bodies is our business.
Mr BuJ is spot on when he says its about people following their dreams and excelling in whatever they put their minds to.
Susan, Firefox is a woman... A very hippy kind of woman, who needs to be less hippy like! (She's also my fiance)
I think my readers are smart enough to judge me for who I am without any help from a confused and tormented individual such as your kind self.
Ah, but you didnt ever answer my question, you worded your response to seem like you answered it and never did. Your response was:
Finally, to put you and this matter to rest.. I would be PROUD to have a wife that wants to excel in this type of bodybuilding or any other kind of sport.
Of course with limits like no tatoos and no steroids.
That leaves a vagueness open, you said WITH LIMITS LIKE... but not limited to. And you say you'd be proud to have a wife that WANTS...
That isnt what I asked, not even close. Maybe its the banker in me being technical, but what I asked was the following:
If your wife came to you and said I am going to do what this Farah is doing. EXACTLY the same, I want tattoos, I want to body build in a mixed gym, I want to be a "sports woman" where I wear nothing in front of a crown and TV cameras, Would you allow her?
Minus the tattoos.
EXACTLY the same, Would you allow your wife to go to a mixed gym? Would you allow her to wear the same attire as Farah in a mixed gym? Would you allow her to be in a bikini on a stage or even on TV?
All can be answered by a simple YES or NO.
How you "answered" without really answering was pretty genius!
(Thank you,Buj.)
"With the greatest respect Mr Firefox, what you want for your wife or sister is none of your business. We women have the intelligence and ability to make decisions and judgements for ourselves and what we do with our bodies is our business."
It doesn't work that way for a lot of families here in the UAE as well as the Middle-east in general. Hell even in the most 'liberal' of Arab families an unmarried grown woman wanting to study abroad,for example, can be a very BIG issue. She still needs her father's permission no matter how old she is. Her intelligence and ability to make good decisions don't cancel out cultural and Islamic values I'm afraid.
If I had similar aspirations, my fiance wouldn't accept it. Not out of spite but because he protects and cherishes me. So no, my body isn't just my business.
I've rambled a bit but the point is the mentality you speak of isn't practiced everywhere.
Ultra Idiot
Just like the saying goes.. "do not argue with an idiot because he will always beat u with experience"
You obviously just wanna argue about nothing, so you feel important rather than worthless.
So I'm going to do what I should have done before and ask you nicely to get the fuck outta my blog, please.
Finally, thanks for entertaining all of us here with classic one-liners like this:
"Maybe its the banker in me being technical, but.."
well my dear who gives a damn about your job, and for you, the simple buttons you see in the elevator going to work are the closest your boss will put you close to any numbers in your "bank".
That's technical!
LOL! Finally you show your true colors!
You just proved my point. You had NO way out.
Your answering NO would make you a hypocrite and your answering YES would have made your wife a whore, even by your standards.
Yet more Arab hypocrisy.
Go "support" other women while you wouldnt even answer a simple question about supporting your own.
well my dear who gives a damn about your job, and for you, the simple buttons you see in the elevator going to work are the closest your boss will put you close to any numbers in your "bank".
I am the boss... *looks at you like the worthless piece of shit that you are*
You want me gone? You can choose to moderate your content. Especially before I start to tell you to do interesting things to your own sisters.
Buj, there are 3 people on this board that are the same person. One being nasty, two doing the flip. I'll leave that to your intellect to figure out who's who.
One last thing. For the sake of your informative journal, I hope you start moderating instead of allowing unscreened comments that're nothing but anal aka troll.
Signed, Wellwisher
Buj, there are 3 people on this board that are the same person.
You being one of them. You and the Jewish girl and that other one, both of whom have their profiles "private."
Oh, but I did not insult my host, did I, unlike you. I think that speaks volumes where you come from. Take my advice. Go away, if you wanna come back.
I didnt insult the owner of this blog. HE insulted ME after her was unable to answer a simple yes or no question. I only called him worthless (which he is) after he told me to fuck off.
Learn how to comprehend what you read.
what do you want Fat-a-bit?
come here and let me give you a hug? you want some love? eh?
seriously dude.. you have a lot of brains but almost no common sense, logic or decency..
look at what you've typed above and come back when you've cooled down.
personally, i'd prefer if your rude sentences never re-surfaced on my blog.
i wonder if you'll do the usual coward act of deleting your comments after u drop ur insults on others.
by the way, you claim to be such an Arab and Emarati etc.. yet you're showing your true anti-Arab feelings here.. sorry man, but you sound like a broken Persian to me. is that the source of the issue? are you racist towards me?
abit.. seriously.. man.. grow up please.. and also learn to use "---" i.e. quotation marks.. coz it makes it very hard for me to keep up with your sloppy typing otherwise.
two last things...
1- i don't like to moderate comments, coz it stifles the free flow of ideas and insults.. you're making a good job of embarrassing yourself here.. so why should i moderate? :) also seems everyone seems to think you're rude.. hmm
2- i've added a video of Farah Malhass from Al-Arabia.. this is dedicated to you.. come on.. i know you like it :)
You are a shameless chameleon. And this is the third place where people have seen you for what you are. You are nothing but a frustrated immigrant masquerading as an Emirati trying to create a rift between one & all. One minute you are cheering for the Israelis beating the shit out of Palestinians. The next minute you are an Imam with a hippy chick, as defined by you. That is quite a combo. Kudos to you and your imagination!
Now, I suggest if you have any class left in you to take a hint and stay away from places where your views are not welcome. Hint, this is the 3rd place where you have been told to stay away, banned to put it simply. So, do that before people see you for what you are: a frustrated expat trans with a multiple personality disorder.
My apologies for hijacking this thread but you have a worthless element here that refuses to take a hint.
Arab-American from Michigan crowned 2010 Miss USA
Its okay Ub dont be so sad. We know that you feel jealous you are unable to get a beauty queen like farah malhass or miss michigen for you are ultrachubby ultracrazy and they always get the ugly women.did that hurt?sorry buj but he is extreme and needs a taste of his medicine. he is angry and thats a good sign :]Please approve his comment back to will be great am sure.
Btw, I never seen so much filth come from one mouth - ABIT's... this is sad. It shows the kind of house (or street) he grew up in.
Sorry guys, I had to remove a lot of these comments.
ANSWER IT! Do it and Ill give you a hug! And a kissy!
HUG AND KISSY!!!!!!!! *hugs you*
See! NOW ANSWER!!!!!!
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AHAHAHAHA! Success!!!!!!
You are a Munafiq!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!
this is the 3rd place where you have been told to stay away, banned to put it simply
Third place? Stupid, in the last 2 months Ive been banned from at least 12 sites. Its what happens to pure genius, the common folk just cant begin to comprehend my awesomeness!
I will be understood when I have passed!
lol... this is fun...
Abutt.. you wrote:
"I will be understood when I have passed! "
Habibi.. first of all learn to use "--" quotation marks.
Also your presence here means we not only suffer from your rudeness but also your horrible grammar! I heard that you've got American heritage, so I expect your English to be a bit better than this.
You can pass an exam or pass wind. To be honest, when you pass by this blog, it's like a strong fart.. everyone can smell it but no one wants to remember it!
The correct ending would be "passed away".. and to that I say "Ameen"
You want a hug and kiss from buj. You must be very lonely with your maid or in the closet. You are the biggest munafiq here ub. You want to talk about Islam then you trash profiles to tell people they are not good muslims or muslims at all when you posted profanities,pornography and threats...... shouldnt we also point fingers at you? get some self-respect.
Last I checked even if I was the dajjal al a3war that in and of its self DOES NOT change the fact that people like AAR are not muslim. doesnt. Sorry. The whole because you do it you cant point the finger argument is childesh and doesnt hold water.
If Im a murderer and point out that you just murdered someone does that make your murder any less wrong? hum???
Self respect? I have ALOT of that. What I lack is respect for OTHERS. such as yourself.
Buj, Passed is actually a proper ending for what I typed. Look it up somewhere. Ask a teacher. My grammar is actually sound... usually. It's my punctuation that you have an issue with.
Rightfully so, as Im typing at god knows how many words per minutes. But come now, have you become so affraid of answering my simple question that you are no pointing out that I didnt use a coma or period? What next? telling me that Gr8 isnt acceptable?
Thatt is all beside the point though, yes? You still havent answered my question. One that is DIRECTLY related to this post YOU posted. So I'd like to know, so that I am not wasting your time and mine, are you ever going to answer me?
Oh, btw, you'd love my farts. Ill give you some of those as well with the hug!
All the very best to Sarah she may not be the first but it needs a lot of determination and guts to reach the position she has reached today.
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Farah is amazing... Farah is beautiful... and she has not disrespected any religion nor has she disrespected any country.
FEAR!! Anyone against Farah is living in fear! You’re afraid that she is different, afraid that this different is amazing and afraid that she has the guts to follow her heart.
Listen to your words. You are all angry. Angry that she is out there pursuing something she loves while you’re stuck adhering to a culture that you think is the only way to live. You are angry that she is out there following her heart, while you are NOT!!
It takes great strength and courage to pursue your dreams, especially with the rotten words you pigs speak about her. I bet she has gained more out of her life than any of you have ever fulfilled for yourselves.
And how dare you bring religion into this. Islam says no body has the right to tell you that you are not Muslim and cannot practice what you believe. You have no authority to judge a person. This is for Allah on the day of your judgement day. To be a good Muslim, to be a good person, to stay beautiful to the world as Allah asks, suggests you must put aside your bitterness and hate, and love all, no matter who or what they are.
YOU have failed as a Muslim NOT FARAH... Now shut up and go live your life. This need to torment a brave woman, for reassurance of your life is pathetic and time wasting.
P.S. Her tattoos are beautiful. This world wasnt designed to make sure you were happy. It was designed for you to be happy.
When I look at Farah I see nothin but an amazing, attractive and couragous women.
Farah is beautiful.
Farah is amazing... Farah is beautiful... and she has not disrespected any religion nor has she disrespected any country.
FEAR!! Anyone against Farah is living in fear! You’re afraid that she is different, afraid that this different is amazing and afraid that she has the guts to follow her heart.
Listen to your words. You are all angry. Angry that she is out there pursuing something she loves while you’re stuck adhering to a culture that you think is the only way to live. You are angry that she is out there following her heart, while you are NOT!!
It takes great strength and courage to pursue your dreams, especially with the rotten words you pigs speak about her. I bet she has gained more out of her life than any of you have ever fulfilled for yourselves.
And how dare you bring religion into this. Islam says no body has the right to tell you that you are not Muslim and cannot practice what you believe. You have no authority to judge a person. This is for Allah on the day of your judgement day. To be a good Muslim, to be a good person, to stay beautiful to the world as Allah asks, suggests you must put aside your bitterness and hate, and love all, no matter who or what they are.
YOU have failed as a Muslim NOT FARAH... Now shut up and go live your life. This need to torment a brave woman, for reassurance of your life is pathetic and time wasting.
Farah is amazing... Farah is beautiful... and she has not disrespected any religion nor has she disrespected any country.
FEAR!! Anyone against Farah is living in fear! You’re afraid that she is different, afraid that this different is amazing and afraid that she has the guts to follow her heart.
Listen to your words. You are all angry. Angry that she is out there pursuing something she loves while you’re stuck adhering to a culture that you think is the only way to live. You are angry that she is out there following her heart, while you are NOT!!
It takes great strength and courage to pursue your dreams, especially with the rotten words you pigs speak about her. I bet she has gained more out of her life than any of you have ever fulfilled for yourselves.
And how dare you bring religion into this. Islam says no body has the right to tell you that you are not Muslim and cannot practice what you believe. You have no authority to judge a person. This is for Allah on the day of your judgement day. To be a good Muslim, to be a good person, to stay beautiful to the world as Allah asks, suggests you must put aside your bitterness and hate, and love all, no matter who or what they are.
YOU have failed as a Muslim NOT FARAH... Now shut up and go live your life. This need to torment a brave woman, for reassurance of your life is pathetic and time wasting.
P.S. Farah's Tattoos are beautiful.
They are her past and her future published all over her body. Stop being so dame pathetic!
hi farrah,i'm from iran,i'm a moslem too,in fact when i read about u,i thought that it's very good that a girl as u do these in a traditional country and culture,go on farrah,continue ur way, u are a succesfull woman,i admire u
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