I will try to keep it brief but these websites have been lurking on my browser for weeks, and here am I sharing them with you.
1- Sabbah History Lesson:
Click this link for a short video on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
2- 21,000,000,000 Dhz is a lot of money:
This is actually very scary... to quote...
"Car crashes are robbing the country of as much as Dh21 billion a year, research has found...The Dh21bn (US$5.7bn) is equivalent to the value of one in eight barrels of oil the UAE exports, or almost half of Dubai’s tourism revenue each year."
3- Court asked to define ‘Israeli’
"A group of Jews and Arabs are fighting in the Israeli courts to be recognised as “Israelis”, a nationality currently denied them, in a case that officials fear may threaten the country’s self-declared status as a Jewish state...Israel refused to recognise an Israeli nationality at the country’s establishment in 1948, making an unusual distinction between “citizenship” and “nationality”. Although all Israelis qualify as “citizens of Israel”, the state is defined as belonging to the “Jewish nation”, meaning not only the 5.6 million Israeli Jews but also more than seven million Jews in the diaspora...The interior ministry has adopted more than 130 possible nationalities for Israeli citizens, most of them defined in religious or ethnic terms, with “Jewish” and “Arab” being the main categories..."
http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100406/FOREIGN/704059795/1186/enewsletter Really merits reading!

Image Credit: Carlos Latuff http://latuff2.deviantart.com/gallery
4- Israeli Arabs urged to try 'reverse discrimination' against Jews:
The title kinda says it all..
5- Bedouin leave city for their desert roots:
"Abandoning this lifestyle, in which English is rarely spoken and neighbours know each other intimately in these wide open spaces, for the city is out of the question, said Mr al Harthi, a Saudi who works as a policeman in Abu Dhabi."
Amazing eh? No jokes about camels please.
6- Publish banned Gaza 'war crimes' report, says Arab Israeli MP:
Again, this is worrying news..
"The investigation by Uri Blau, who has been in hiding since December to avoid arrest, concerned Israeli preparations for the impending assault on Gaza, known as Operation Cast Lead. In a highly unusual move, according to reports in the Israeli media, the army ordered the Haaretz newspaper to destroy all copies of an edition that included Mr Blau’s investigation after it had already gone to press and been passed by the military censor. The article was never republished."
Surely, nothing is to be lost since Israel is the region's only democracy.

7- BBC News Audio slideshow: Classic cars in Gaza:
You really have to see and hear this to believe it.. plus what an amazing surname..Mahfouz Caberetti.. which derives from Kibreet or a form of Sulfur I believe..
BBC website, click here
8- Is this where the holy land is headed?
"Jerusalem, April 31, 2027: The final segment from what was known as the Security Wall was torn down yesterday as street signs in the holy city were changed in preparation of the upcoming Unification Day of Israel-Palestine, four years after the Great Middle Eastern war of 2023."
Riveting reading here...

9-Stranded leader runs country by iPad:
A big win for apple.. who by the way have delayed my new laptop by 3 weeks because of the iPad.. I want something with a keyboard that is touch-sensitive, and i can type with my eyes closed, so forget the iPad for now.. but until this.. read on..
"Running a country? There's an app for that.
When Norway's prime minister found himself stuck in New York as a volcanic cloud grounded flights to Europe, he fired up his new Apple iPad and did the job remotely."
10- Don't forget the children of Gaza:
This video makes me doubtful that any good is left on this earth, and specifically in countries like Israel and Egypt.
Notice how the occupiers are referred to by religion and not by nationality.
Really worth a watch, and a sob. The poor sods.
Peace. Salam.
Apparently, the iPad could interfere with the wireless network of the Israeli army. Such is the apartheid state, where the security of army comms trumps human development.
couldn't agree more.. screw the israeli army.
i think the iranian prez called them an "infection".
i know it's a bit harsh, but then so are the IDF.
Loved # 5 and # 10. The links says it all.
Mr Rosh! Thanks for reading and commenting :)
I expected this post to be popular and useful due to its varied nature, but i think i'll stick to shorter more straight-to-the-point posts!
Awesome .. Luvd it
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